Pedagogies of the Sacred


Pedagogies of the Sacred

- file://es5ZLMDU9Gnl1WO4

Pedagogies of the Sacred

07 Mar


Mainly creating work within a queer intersectional framework, Devika Chotoe uses performance art and language as entry points into understanding how hegemonic technologies of power shape bodies, times, spaces and their interrelationality. Striving to translate the unexpressed desires of predecessors, ancient rhythms and queer futurities into prefigurative politics and a poetics of change.

This session is an invitation to join a collective reading and discussion of the text Pedagogies of the Sacred: Making the Invisible Tangible, from the book Pedagogies of Crossing: Meditations on Feminism, Sexual Politics, Memory and the Sacred written by M. Jacqui Alexander. After the reading, we will enter a group conversation about the different ways we relate to spirituality*: what does this notion mean to you, how do you access ancestral knowledge and practices that have been erased or rendered invisible though migration, colonization, or other types of oppression? How does spirituality relate to artmaking and/or the work of social justice?

*Whatever this might mean to you or with whatever term you want to replace it, knowing that this notion has different connotations in different contexts.

This programme is meant to last about an hour.
There will be snacks and music afterwards.

This programme manifests as part of our current exhibition. A STATE OF GRACE: of Witches, of Seance, of Voodoo, of Speaking in Tongues and Othered instances of Diasporic TRANS-porta(l)tion. A State of Grace is generously supported by the Gemeente Amsterdam West.

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